1. 20 centimetri
  2. A four letter word
  3. All over the guy
  4. Almost normal
  5. Another gay movie
  6. April's shower
  7. Beautiful boxer
  8. Breakfast on pluto
  9. Brokeback mountain
  10. But i'm a cheerleader
  11. Caindo numa roubada
  12. Chutney popcorn
  13. Edge of seventeen
  14. Far from heaven
  15. Fire
  16. Food of love
  17. Fragola e cioccolato
  18. Girls will be girls
  19. Homofobicus
  20. Hours, the
  21. Hsi yen (banchetto di nozze)
  22. If these walls could talk, women
  23. Imagine me and you
  24. Infamous
  25. Johns
  26. Kinky boots
  27. La mala educacion
  28. La quinceanera (non è peccato)
  29. Lan yu
  30. Latter days
  31. Le fate ignoranti
  32. Les temoins
  33. Lilies
  34. Love and other catastrophes
  35. Luster
  36. Maurice
  37. Monkey's mask
  38. Mostly unfabouls life of ethan green
  39. Notes of a scandal
  40. Paragraph 175
  41. Plataquemada
  42. Presque rien
  43. Quand je sarai star
  44. Querelle
  45. Rag tag
  46. Reinas
  47. Savage grace
  48. Saving face (salvare la faccia)
  49. Shortbus
  50. Tarnation
  51. Todo sobre mi madre
  52. Touch of pink
  53. Transamerica
  54. Velvet goldmine
  55. Wild side
  56. Wolves of kromer
  57. Xxy
  58. Y tu mama tambien
  59. Suz & zo